
Morocco makes my heart race! In a good way.
I love this magical country: the warmth of the people, the diverse landscapes, the stunning architecture, and the awe-inspiring talent of its artisans. Morocco is a feast for the senses; visit one of the hundreds of souks and you will be greeted by a kaleidescope of dazzling colours and exotic shapes, mesmerizing sounds and intoxicating smells. I simply can't get enough!
I first visited Morocco in 2003 and knew I would return. In 2015 my mum died, making me much more conscious of how precious and short life is, and I began to reevaluate what was most important to me. I had a yearning and determination to do something more passionate and meaningful, and decided to leave the corporate world of finance in 2016. With the hope of processing my grief and gaining a better perspective of what I wanted from life, I walked the Camino de Santiago. I came away with more clarity and peace of mind and continued travelling for a few more months. I eventually found myself back in Morocco, ‘going crazy’ once again over all the beautiful and exotic treasures I was seeing. With a love of interior decorating, and an urge for others to experience all these gorgeous wares, I decided to open up a Moroccan boutique! Mashi Moosh opened its doors as a 'pop-up' shop in May of 2017 and, in November 2019, opened a permanent location in the East End of Toronto.
During my travels I also learned of Friends of Fez Orphans. I met some incredibly caring and dedicated volunteers here and also some of the most adorable and precious children, and I immediately had a huge ache in my heart. I’ve always wanted to help disadvantaged youth and realized this was a perfect opportunity to do so. I decided a portion of Mashi Moosh’s sales would go to support FOFO. More recently, I learned of Trails Youth Initiatives, a Canadian-based charity whose mission is to challenge and equip vulnerable youth from at-risk areas of Toronto to become contributing members of the community. A portion of all sales now helps support the work of this important organization.
Mashi Moosh is my way of sharing the joy and wonder of this fascinating country. I hope to give others a peek into the beauty that is Morocco, through a collection of gorgeous and exotic handcrafted pieces. I hope you love these treasures as much as I do.
– Jacqueline